You looks so funny when you'd trying to tickle me or grab be into you. Your mouth and body are squeezing like you don't want to hurt me but you still squeezing :D ! Hahahaha. Look your face and try to 'kiss' me :D and look my face (no comment). Popo, you know what ? i really miss these moments with you. I miss spending my times with you ! Wait ? i'm so sorry if i am not good writer, but here i am. We have same vision and mission, so May Allah bless us (Amin).
Hey popo, i want meet you every single day, every single times. I really miss you so much !

I Love You, Popo
in fact..this moment describe the opposite of actually happened..hahaha :)
BalasHapushahaha :) oops are you sure ?. yeay, even you want me more ! hahahaha