Well, actually i am not blog-walking ! I just wrote what i like, who i talked about, or what supposed to do with those pictures. Because i am not a good writer (like i said before). I made all of those pictures, because someone has inspired me for all times. He always give me spirits to make "somethings" for a good things. It doesn't matter for me, eventually this is matter to me (:. I am not art-student or i am not designer, but i have passions to be. Well, i called these Destiny. Why ? Because i know God has so many plans for me and my future. Thats why, God sent me a gift, i mean best gift ; Muhammad Bagoes Putranto, He will continue my journey which had previously halted by miss-understanding with my Daddy.
May be you've boring with this blog, because i always talk about him (hahaha) ! you know what, i never been bored, because i always wrote what i love; no offense. Not just because he is my life, but he is my inspiration. So many life and circles we've been through it together.
We have many the same and different habits :
#1. pick one's nose (even it is more dominating to me)
#2. we love sports, arts.
#3. we love to talk about what our future should be :)
#4. we love kids, and we wish someday we have the twins.
#5. i am stubborn and he is selfish (sometimes reverse)
#6. i'm in love with Jhonny Depp, and he's in love with Mila Kunis (:
#7. we both really love ice-creams, but he's more like something salty.
#8. Looks like, i am too much care to him, but actually he is much more caring and high anxiety than me.
so many reasons, why i really love him ! (: actually no body know. well, thats us ! we still human, we still make the mistakes, and we don't care. CHEERS !