did you ever want to be skinny like a super model ? yes i do. Walking through the people, and they will staring at you "Oh God, look at her, perfect body, how skinny she is". How would you do about their thought ? You will do more extra diet for it, more skinny and all over again; until the bones kills you. Have you ever think, we just don't need be skinny or anything (duh!)
When i open my site, i mean my tumblr; TADAAA! Oh my God, there is Marilyn Monroe. How Goddess she is ! before she get the drugs, her body totally sexy and hot. She's not totally skinny but little bit fat. She's got big fat on tummy and upper high.
Look her smile, very pretty eh ? I adore her since my mommy told me about her and how great she is. And then directly i found out everything about her.
She looks like my role model. yeah she is! hahaha
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